Client: SPI Hasnaoui
– 180 apartments on 6 Block in R + 9 floors
– Car park 220 spaces
– Commercial Business Center
– Dedicated car park 109 spaces
Systems supplied and installed:
Access control with 08 barriers including 04 articulated distributed on 04 accesses by peers; a barrier operating at the entrance with command on presentation of the badge to a proximity reader mounted on a post, and one at the exit on presentation of the badge to the exit reader with vehicle presence on an induction detection terminal, the two readers, the one on the ‘input and that of the equivalent output, operating according to the principle ANTI-PASS BACK conditioned by the presence of the vehicle on the detection loop, in order to prevent the access of several vehicles with the same card. The solution is completed with proximity access control readers at each of the 06 accesses of the residential blocks, the parking accesses on the commercial galette as well as the elevator cabins. The system uses controllers integrating a Web control and management server allowing operation from several platforms without the need to install specific software on a PC.